TOEIC L&R TEST: 900点超えへの道

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#34 料理の年代記


いらっしゃいませ、皆さん。本日のエピソードは「Culinary Chronicles(料理の年代記)」です。今日は、日本の料理の職人技に迫っていきます。鋭い包丁、高品質な日本のキッチンナイフの世界に飛び込んでみましょう。また、日本のレストランの入口に飾られるプラスチック製の食品レプリカの世界にも触れていきます。








本日の「Culinary Chronicles」は以上です。ホウチョウの職人技とプラスチック食品レプリカの興味深い世界を楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです。次回まで、美味しい料理と日本の豊かな風味を楽しんでください!




Culinary Chronicles



Welcome to today's episode of "Culinary Chronicles." and we're diving into the world of Japanese culinary craftsmanship. Today, we're going to explore the art of crafting sharp hocho, high-quality Japanese kitchen knives, and take a look at the fascinating world of plastic food replicas that adorn restaurant entrances across Japan.

Sharp hocho, also known as kitchen knives, have earned their place as the best in the world. Highly esteemed by professional chefs, they are prized for their ability to create clean and precise cuts. This level of precision is crucial when it comes to preparing ingredients such as vegetables, fish, and meat, particularly for the delicate art of slicing sashimi.

These knives are crafted with the same attention to detail as traditional Japanese swords, or katana. They are meticulously forged and sharpened on only one side of the blade, allowing for exceptionally precise cutting of even the softest ingredients, like fish, mushrooms, and tofu.

Whether in the hands of seasoned restaurant chefs or enthusiastic home cooks, these extremely sharp knives are essential tools. Their unparalleled quality is recognized by both professionals and amateurs alike.

And if you're a foreign visitor to Japan with an interest in cooking, you might find a hocho to be the perfect memento to bring back home.

Shifting gears a bit, let's talk about an intriguing aspect of Japanese restaurant culture—plastic food replicas. These lifelike models of ice cream parfaits, tempura, ramen bowls, and sushi creations are often displayed at the entrances of restaurants, enticing passersby to step in and indulge.

It's truly remarkable how these replicas look so convincing that it's hard to believe they're not real. If you're on the lookout for these authentic-looking replicas, you'll find the best selection on Kappabashi Street, located between Tokyo's Asakusa and Ueno districts.

Originally a hotspot for professional chefs, Kappabashi's appeal has expanded to include amateur cooks and tourists. From ice cream to sushi, these replicas offer a delightful visual feast, inviting everyone to explore the diverse world of Japanese cuisine.

That's it for today's episode of "Culinary Chronicles." We hope you enjoyed this journey through the mastery of hocho craftsmanship and the intriguing world of plastic food replicas. Until next time, happy cooking and exploring the vibrant flavors of Japan!