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#28 おせち料理の象徴的な意味と伝統:新年の特別な味わい







This is a HOSHINOYA MADE IN JAPAN Radio. episode 28, "Savoring Symbolism and Tradition: Osechi Ryori, the Special Taste of New Year".




Osechi ryori is special dishes prepared to celebrate the New Year. Originally it was prepared by New Year’s Eve(Omisoka). Therefore, no one had to spend time cooking during the first three days of the New Year. Each of the foods has some symbolic meaning. Some meanings are based on appearance and some are based on the sound of the word. Salted herring roe (kazunoko) represents prosperity and many children. Boiled and sweetened black soybeans (kuromame) are said to build a healthy body so that a person can work hard. Mamenihataraku means “work hard.” Kurikinton is a sweet confection made of chestnuts and sweet potato. Its bright yellow color symbolizes wealth. Fish rolled in kelp (kobumaki) suggests yorokobu, meaning “happiness” or “being pleased.” Steamed fish cake (kamaboko) colored red and white represents the rising sun of New Year’s Day. Seabream (tai) suggests omedetai, meaning “congratulations.” Osechi ryori is time-consuming to make. Now many families order the items or buy them at a department store. Some families select only a few favorites and skip the others. Nonetheless, even now, the spirits of many Japanese brighten when they hear “osechi” mentioned.