TOEIC L&R TEST: 900点超えへの道

TOEIC L&R TEST で念願の900点を突破するまでの道のりを綴っていきます

12 デパートに行っては、ただトイレを使いたいだけなのに、つい無意識にも買い物をする気配を漂わせてしまう







This is a HOSHINOYA MADE IN JAPAN Radio. Episode 12; I go to department stores just to use their restrooms, but end up unintentionally giving off the vibe that I'm about to make a purchase.


Wellcome to the HOSHINOYA MADE IN JAPAN Radio. Today I would like to talk about I go to department stores just to use their restrooms, but end up unintentionally giving off the vibe that I'm about to make a purchase.





I often go to department stores just to use their restrooms and end up unintentionally giving off the vibe that I'm about to make a purchase.

I follow the signs pointing to the restroom, trying to appear like I'm interested in buying something.

I even find myself looking at clothes I have no interest in, touching them, and pretending to hum a song to make it seem like I'm browsing with genuine interest.

But in reality, I'm just nervous and anxious about the situation, and when I actually pay attention to the clothes I was touching, they turn out to be oddly patterned women's clothing, which surprises me.

Even in such awkward situations, I can't help but put on a face like, 'I'm just looking around for my mother...' It's troublesome.


What am I doing? Nobody is even paying attention to my actions.


The same kind of thing happens when I accidentally wander into a small miscellaneous goods store.

The moment I enter the store, I realize that the displayed items are not to my taste, but I can't leave immediately.

I pretend to be a casual shopper, holding strange glass ornaments and examining them, trying to convince the store staff that I'm not an intruder who ended up in the wrong place.

No one is expecting me to do any of this.


At times, I even ask the store staff, 'What time do you close?' and leave the store, only to leave the impression that I might come back again.

Finally, I leave for real, but I can't help glancing back at the sign and leaving with a face that says, 'Nice store.'