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# 11 日本のLGBTQコミュニティにとって画期的な判決









This is a HOSHINOYA MADE IN JAPAN Radio. Episode 11; Japan's first ruling on LGBTQ employees in the workplace.

Wellcome to the HOSHINOYA MADE IN JAPAN Radio. Today I would like to talk about 

Japan's first ruling on LGBTQ employees in the workplace.


A landmark ruling for Japan's LGBTQ community.
The country's Supreme Court has ruled a workplace's restriction on which bathroom a transgender employee could use was not legal.

The case involves a worker at Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
The transgender woman filed a suit in 2015 after she was banned by her government office from using certain women's restrooms.

A district court found those restrictions to be illegal, but the Tokyo High Court later overturned that ruling. 

On July 11th, Japan's top court ruled against the bathroom restriction. 
It says the workplace caused significant inconvenience for the plaintiff while placing excessive priority on the feelings of other employees.

It's the first time Japan's Supreme Court has ruled on a case regarding LGBTQ employees in the workplace.