TOEIC L&R TEST: 900点超えへの道

TOEIC L&R TEST で念願の900点を突破するまでの道のりを綴っていきます

31 パンチラという贈り物

















Sometimes, luckily, the mischievous wind flips up skirts, or when you suddenly look up, you might catch a peek of a woman's underwear while she's hanging laundry on the balcony.

In Japan, they call this "panchira."

Panchira is like the ultimate gift.

Think about happy moments, surprises in my life. Nothing combines shock and joy quite like panchira does.

The beauty of panchira is that it happens unexpectedly. I'm not at all expecting to catch a glimpse of someone's panties, and women surely aren't planning to show them.

It's a series of coincidences that come together and create a miracle.

If you're a guy, you'd get it – the value of seeing panties drops significantly when you see them in a "please, have a look" situation. (Still makes you happy though.)

Even top boxers say it, right?

"You can take a punch you know is coming. It's the ones you don't see that hit you the hardest." (Don't mix top boxers and panchira, though.)

What adds to the fleeting allure of panchira is that you can't stare at it for long.

Even if you come across this lucky sight, guys can't just gaze at it. You have to immediately look away, put on the "didn't see a thing" attitude, and then desperately try to remember the panties you briefly burned into your memory.