TOEIC L&R TEST: 900点超えへの道

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Just Add Magic 02x01 - Just Add Halloween

Last season on

"Just Add Magic"...


What is it? It's a cookbook.

My grandma's.

Grandma and I never made any of these recipes.


These are totally magical.


Kelly: Grandma isn't sick. She's under a magic spell.

I know that the cure is in the cookbook.


The magic has a mind of its own. There's never not been a downside.




You are dealing with powerful forces you cannot control.


I gave the book to your grandmother and her friends. I hope you will be wiser than they.


This is my curse. When I play outside my house, no one can hear me.


I haven't been able to leave Saffron Falls for over 40 years. Hopefully, together we can help your grandmother.


Mama P never had any intention of helping Grandma Quinn.


It was always about breaking her own curse.


So long, suckers!




He's frozen.


Everybody's frozen.


Kelly: I think it wants us to create our own recipe. I believe in our cake. I believe in us.


Hannah: That cake unfroze the town, brought Kelly's grandma back, and broke Miss Silvers' curse.


What if all curses are broken.


We spent years trying to bring him back.


Are you talking about Chuck Hankins?


I'm telling you, he took a bite, and then just disappeared into thin air.


Grandma Quinn: If Chuck's back, nobody's safe.


Kelly, you haven't touched your cake.


There was a lot of... cake at the pluot festival.


It's delicious.


Well, you can thank your dad. He's the one who picked it up from the grocery store.


I got it from the fancy section.




Another piece, Mom?


Mom, answer me. Are-- are you--


I'm fine, Scott.



You didn't answer me. I thought you were--


I was taking a sip of water.


I'm sorry, it's just-- I'm still so shocked. How do we know you're back for good?


I am. Trust me.


Can we have cake every day now?


Mm, I don't know about that, but how about a game of Monopoly?


I'm the shoe.


Oh, you're gonna have to play without me.


Why? Are you feeling sick?


Everything's fine. In fact, it's just perfect. I just want to

get some sleep. So, thank you for the party. Tomorrow, I'll whup all of you in Monopoly, and I get to be the shoe.




Grandma. What are we gonna do about Chuck?


Don't worry about it. We'll figure it out tomorrow.


But you said if Chuck's back, then no one's safe.


I just overreacted. Let's just get some sleep tonight.


[crickets chirping]











Gina: Hold on. You're sure it was him? You didn't see his face.


It was him, Gina.


It doesn't seem possible. He's been gone 50 years.


Ordinarily, I'd agree with you, but I never thought I'd see an entire town freeze before my eyes, either.


You shouldn't have gone out there alone, Grandma. If Chuck is dangerous, then you could have gotten hurt.


Don't worry about me.


If he's out there, then we need to find him.


Yes, and fast.


I had a feeling you were gonna say that.


Wow. I haven't seen that in a long time. May I? It's so strange holding it again after all these years.


[pages rustling]


It's like old times.


"Miso-Person's Soup."


"The person you seek will appear in the broth crystal clear. "You will know where they are, be it far or near." Okay. That's cool. It's like a crystal ball.


Yes. Way cool.


Werpoes, lapsis, tofu. I think we have all of the ingredients. Except one. What's a grunde fingerroot?


Grunde? I've never heard of that before.


The grunde family are vision spices.


That will allow us to see Chuck in the broth.


So where do we get it?


It grows in my garden.


Honestly, I've never had a reason to use it.


Well, you do now. Let's go get it.


It's not that easy.


The root can only be harvested one day a year.


What? When?




It's only May.


We can't wait 'til Fall. Who knows what damage Chuck could do by then.


It's okay. We can find another way to locate Chuck. Somehow.


[door opens]


What took so long?


Darbie walks slow.


What's the big news?


I found a spell. I was flipping through the book, and it landed on this.



"Pick-A-Date Dates."


First of all, I don't eat dates.


You can make an exception. This will allow us to go back in time. Pick a date. We can go back to Halloween, and get the grunde fingerroot from Miss Silvers' garden.


And then we can come back and make the Miso-Person's Soup, and find Chuck.


Okay. Best spell ever. But if we're going back in time, I say we go see dinosaurs.


How will that help us get the grunde fingerroot?


Maybe they had Halloween in dinosaur times?


[chuckles] Well, maybe they did, but Miss Silvers wasn't around in dinosaur times. Let's just go back to last year.


Last year? Oh, that was a bad Halloween.


Yeah, I didn't like my costume. And somebody pushed me into the jelly bean display at Mama P's, which was totally embarrassing.


I know, and Hannah went home sick, but at least we know what to expect.


This whole thing just feels dangerous.


Not as dangerous as having Chuck running around.


I really don't think we should do this.


Well, what about your grandma? What did she say?


I, um-- I didn't tell her. She just got back to normal and has enough stress worrying about Chuck.


[sighs] Okay, you're right. It's up to us.


I agree.


But I still think seeing dinosaurs would be cooler.


Okay, I-- I think we have everything, but there isn't a riddle.


But the riddle's my favorite part.


Wait, what's this? It's just a bunch of notes scribbled in German.



[reading in German]


Here, I'll run it through my translator app.


I think this is the riddle, guys. "Back in time you go, date any you pick. "Half to go, half to come back. "One way ticket this is. "Nine more chances you have."




That doesn't rhyme.


It's the free version.




Okay, remember, the important thing is we eat half to get there and half to get back.


So do not lose it, Darbie.


Maybe you should hold onto it for me, just in case.




Okay, here we go. Take us to last Halloween.


Did it work?


I don't think so. Everything looks the same.


But we followed the recipe.






I thought you'd be a little scared.


Sorry, Dad. You were very frightening.


Hopefully not too scary. I don't want to upset the trick-or-treaters.


I wouldn't worry.


Well, I'm off to the store to buy more candy.


You always buy too much, Dad, especially last year. I mean, this year.


I know, but this way there'll be plenty left over. For me.




So now what?


We better get to Miss Silvers'. Let me grab a sweater, though. I'm dressed for summer.


Kelly: We don't need a map, Darbie.


Well, we don't have time to waste on houses that pass out generic candy.


Hey, why isn't my house on the map?


I love your parents, but carrot packs are not candy.



That was close. We almost ran into our past selves. How could we not think of this?


Yeah. That would seriously scar me for life.


I have an idea. Come on.






[maniacal laughing]




I really think I should have been the bear. You know I love bears.


But Darbie, you wanted to be the knight.


I didn't see the bear.


Guys, we did our best. It's Halloween night, all the good costumes were gone. Let's just focus.


Fine, but next year, I get to be the bear. I love bears.


Okay, I'll get the grunde root while you guys keep Miss Silvers busy.


Are you guys actually trick-or-treating at Silvers' house?




She's a witch.


Well, not exactly.


I wouldn't eat anything she gives you.


What do you think you're doing?


TP-ing Silvers'. It's a tradition.


Well, not this year.


Yeah. Leave her alone. Or we'll tell her what you were going to do.


Who knows what that crazy witch will do to you.


Poor Miss Silvers. Everyone thinks she's scary.


Well, so did we last year.


I mean, I still think she's kind of scary.


But she means well.


Come on, let's go.






What do you want?


Trick or treat.


I know what you're up to. You're going to TP my house.


No. We're just walking around the neighborhood for Halloween. Trick or treat.


One sec.




Ooh, mini peanut butter cups. Nice.


Well, here, take more.


I guess I could have some more.


It's okay, I don't get many visitors. I really like your costumes. The bear is really cute.


Thank you.


Have fun tonight.


Did you get it?


No. Someone took it.


It just doesn't make any sense.


Maybe Miss Silvers harvested it for some reason.


No, I think she would have told us that when we talked about the spell

in her kitchen.


Where are you going?


I'm not traveling all the way to Halloween and not getting candy.



Her garden is filled with secret spices, it just seems strange that the one we want just happens to be the only one that someone stole.


Well, that's the last time I go to that house. Look what they gave out.




Oh, yeah. That's my dentist's house.


Can I have it? I love cool mint.


So I guess we should go home now, huh?


I mean present home, not past Halloween home.


We can't. We came here for the grunde fingerroot, and we're gonna find it.





There's only one person that I can think of that knows magic, and would steal something from Miss Silvers.


All: Mama P.




This year, I'm gonna win. All I have to do is guess how many are in there, and I'll be eating jelly beans for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


This is so itchy. I wish Little Red Riding Hood wore a sweatshirt.


Yeah, and my stomach is killing me. I hope I'm not coming down with anything.


Here. Maybe you need to eat something.


How's a peanut butter cup going to help my stomach?


How won't it?




[indistinct chatter]


Look at Mama P. Remember how everyone loved her?



I could see through her act now. She's so phony.


I bet those free samples she's handing out are magical. To get people to buy things in her shop. Still, they look good.


No, Darbie.


Guys, it's Jake.


Uh, hi. Welcome to Mama P's, and happy Halloween. Would you care for a mini burrito? I made them myself.


It's Jake's first time cooking at the shop.


Thank you, Mama P.


And thanks for the opportunity.


Nonsense. Thank you.


Just remember me when you're a famous chef.


Mm, I could eat your Jakeritos for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Jake what-os?


She means... they're amazing.


Jakeritos. I like the sound of that.


Sorry, guys. This past-present stuff is confusing.


It's about to get more confusing. Look. Come on.


[sighs] This is creeping me out.


I know, look how young we looked.


It was six months ago.


Yeah, but pre-magic Darbie was much more innocent. The bumblebee costume wasn't as bad as I thought.


Okay, we need to get into the spice cabinet, get the grunde root, and get out of here.


How are we gonna get into the cabinet? I mean, this place is packed.




All: Charlotte.


Great. That's all we need. Charlotte.


Great. That's all we need. Charlotte.


Hi, Hannah.


Happy birthday, Charlotte.




Nice costume, Darbie.


Why aren't you at your big birthday party, Charlotte?


It hasn't started yet. The haunted house people are still setting up.


You have haunted house people?




Ugh, she's so pretentious.


She's not that bad, Kell. You're just upset 'cause she's captain of the basketball team and you're not.


I don't want to be captain. But if I was, I would treat people better. She's mean.


Yeah. Especially when you miss a three-pointer. And a lay up. And pass to the wrong team.


There's no way we're gonna to be able to get in the pantry without being seen.


Actually, there is. Remember all the commotion after I got pushed into the jelly bean display?


Yeah, they went everywhere. When Mama P goes to clean it up, we could slip in.


It's gonna happen any moment now. Some stupid knight is gonna push me into the--




You know what you have to do.


How weird.


Actually, not really.


Nice costume. I'm Dar-bee.


I'm Dar-lene.


You had a chance to go trick-or-treating yet?


A little bit. Make sure you avoid the house on Elmwood with the big inflatable witch. They give out toothpaste. And you may want to do your algebra homework. There could be a surprise quiz next week





- [gasping]


[indistinct chatter]


Come on, come on, hurry.


There's a lot of spices in here.


Oh. I got it.


I can't believe some jerk pushed me, and didn't even apologize.


Let's just get back to trick-or-treating.


Oh, my stomach hurts.


Are you okay?


Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need some rest. I should go home.


What were you doing back there?


Uh... looking for the bathroom.


It's right there. Under the sign. Open your bags.


That's not necessary.


We were really just lost.



All right. But that area is for employees only. Keep out.




That was close. Where'd you put the grunde root?


In the Jack-O-Lantern bag right--


Oh, no.


You put it in my bag? I mean, not my bag, but past me's bag?


Come on.




Sorry, guys. I wasn't thinking. I had to do something quickly.


It's okay. We can deal with this. Hannah went home sick, so all we need to do is go see her-- you, and switch the bags back.


Actually, I... didn't go home. I kind of went to Charlotte's birthday party.


You lied?


Well, not completely. I didn't feel great. Look, she invited me and I didn't want to tell you guys.


Why would you go to Charlotte's party?


I liked her back then. I thought you guys were too hard on her, but after I went, I realized you were right all along. She is mean.


I can't believe this. That's why you didn't want to come back to this Halloween.


I'm so sorry. I never should have lied to you guys.


Well, we can't deal with this now. We have to go to Charlotte's party.




♪ Wait for an invitation to arrive ♪

♪ It's a dead man's party ♪

♪ Who could ask for more? ♪



Look at this party.


It really wasn't that fun.


Is that a chocolate fountain?


♪ Leave your body and soul at the door ♪


Not fun, huh?


I know it looks like I was having a good time, but I felt really guilty.


Let's just find your Halloween bag.


Where is it?


Oh, that's right, I totally forgot. I misplaced my bag.


You what?


Well, I didn't remember until now. It wasn't important at the time.


Where'd you put it?


I don't know.


Okay, retrace your steps.


Let's see, um, I played a few games, made a Sundae, entered the dance contest, then I--


Sounds like you were miserable.


I also went into the haunted house, but it was too scary, so I ran out. You know how much I hate scary things.


Look, that criminal has it.


Kelly, you can't just accuse him of st--


No. He's a criminal.


♪ Walking down the street ♪




♪ I was hit by something ♪

♪ Last night in my sleep ♪


He went in the haunted house.


I am not going in there. I still have nightmares about it.


We don't have a choice. Let's go.


♪ Come and leave your body at the door ♪

♪ Leave your body and soul at the door ♪




Darbie: Whoa. Check out the zombie birthday cake. I think these spiders are real.




Ow! Hannah. None of it's real.


Except for the spiders. And I'm pretty sure that's a real coffin over there.


Okay, I can't do this.


Hannah, relax. Look. A piano. You love pianos.


Not when it's being played by a dead mummy with no hands.




Look, there's the criminal.


What?! No, don't leave me.


What are you doing?


That's my friend's Halloween bag.


No, it's not. Prove it.


Charlotte: Hey! What's going on?


He stole my friend's Halloween bag.


No, I didn't. Look, it has my initials inside. And my inhaler.


He proved it.


Oops. Sorry. Um, great costume.


Wait. Who are you? I know everybody at my party.


We were invited by the DJ.


Get out. Or I'll get security.


Seriously? Security?


We got kicked out. Come on.




I think I know where my bag is.


Okay. Hurry.


It's only fake. It's only fake. It's only fake.


[crickets chirping]


[door closes]


You, uh, texting your mom again?


It's Kelly. She's checking in on me.


I told her I didn't feel well.




Why didn't you invite them? I mean, almost everyone else from the basketball team is here.


Why would I? I mean, Kelly's jealous that I'm captain, and Darbie-- Well, no offense, but I just don't get her.


Well, no offense, but Kelly should be captain, and Darbie, she's awesome.


Look, I'm sorry, but they're lame. You can be friends with whoever you want, though.


You're right. I can. I can't believe I blew my friends off for this party. Talk about lame.










It's only fake. It's only fake.

I got it.




Turns out, I left it in the haunted house.


You're the best.


I am?


Thanks for sticking up for us.


Oh. You saw that.


Hey, I'm sorry I ditched you. You guys are the best.


Maybe on the way back we can trick-or-treat a little more?





Yeah, totally.


I don't know about you, but I can't wait for this night to end.


Promise me next time we go back to see the dinosaurs.


Deal. After that haunted house, dinosaurs don't seem that scary.


Okay, and half to get back.


Did it work?


Everything looks the same.


Ooh, leftover Halloween candy from last year.


Yes, it's leftover.


Because it's summer. Right?


You okay?


Yeah, fine, just too much sugar.


You want a piece?


No, thanks. Maybe just one.


We did it. Now we can find Chuck. Wherever he is... he can't hide.


[glass breaking]


[bell jingles]

